About Rex

Who is Rex?

I am a husband, a father, a small business owner, a mountain bike rider, an outdoor lover and gun enthusiast. But most of all I love pushing my limits and striving for excellence in everything I do.

I started shooting when I was a young boy. My first gun, like many young boys, was a Red Rider BB Gun. I remember exploring the woods behind our house in Florida like I was Indiana Jones on some great adventure. I could shoot at cans all day.

As I got a little older, I started hunting dove and quail with a neighbor and shot my first deer when I was 11 in South Carolina. That was quite the experience. As part of a southern tradition, I was bathed in the deer’s blood to show my respect to the animal.

I continued to enjoy shooting until I was in my mid-teens when I discovered bicycles, motorcycles, cars and of course girls.

When I was in my early 20’s I started shooting pistols while I was attending the San Bernardino Sherriff’s academy in Southern California. I continued to shoot for a couple of years but then life and work took priority.

During the non-shooting part of my life, I started racing mountain bikes and motorcycles. I raced both bicycles and motorcycles for many years. In 2014 I decided to get certified to teach basic mountain bike skills to new riders and discovered that I really enjoyed teaching people about something that I enjoyed doing. I taught 100’s of people how to ride mountain bikes over the 5 years I taught.

In 2016, my wife Angi and I moved to Arvada, Colorado where we both decided to get our Concealed Carry permits. We built a virtual range in our basement for daily training and started shooting pistols at the range on a regular basis. We did that for a few years until we moved to Buena Vista in 2020.

Chaffee County has an amazing outdoor public range, so Angi and I started to expand our shooting practice. Being outdoors let us shoot with less restrictions than indoors so we were able to start developing more advanced skills like drawing from a holster, moving and shooting, and shooting at multiple targets instead of just one.

We liked that so much we wanted to try our hand at shooting competitions, so we started shooting Steel Challenge matches in Gunnison. Well, it’s likely that neither of us will be pro shooters anytime soon but it’s fun to shoot with others that enjoy the sport as much as we do and watch our progress as we continue to grow though training and competition.

Like with mountain bikes, my reason for starting Roberson Firearms Training, LLC is to share my passion for shooting and to share the safety, knowledge, and skills I have developed over my lifetime as a firearms enthusiast. I love working with new shooters to help share the fundamentals, knowledge, and skill I have developed over my lifetime of shooting.

I look forward to shooting with you.


  • Rangemaster Certified Instructor

  • USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense Certified Instructor

  • USCCA Women’s Handgun & Self Defense Fundamentals Certified Instructor

  • NRA – Basic Pistol Instructor

  • NRA - Basic Rifle Instructor

  • NRA - Basic Shotgun Instructor

  • NRA – Range Safety Officer Training

 Ongoing Personal Training

  • Concealed Carry Inc - 2022 Guardian Conference, Oklahoma City, OK - 24 hours

  • Rangemaster - May 2023 - Basic Instructor Development Course, Tuttle, OK - 24 hours

    • modern adult learning theory;

    • preparation, delivery, and documentation of training;

    • development of training aids, including power points and others;

    • coaching methodologies, diagnosing and correcting shooters’ errors;

    • modern, effective gunhandling techniques, designed to work under stress;

    • proper handling/operation of a variety of handgun types; and

    • effective, efficient combat marksmanship techniques.